Monday, July 28, 2008


Drained...that is me. For 10 solid days I have had house guests. Not the same ones...some go, others come. My washing machine has never seen so many sheets and towels in one weeks' time. It's been great, though! Just draining.

On Thursday, the 17th, my baby sister and my big brother and his wife came in. It was pretty cool...without any prior planning, Lucy flew from Idaho and Ray & MJ flew from Virginia, met up in Dallas, and were all on the same flight from DFW to SA. They came for the infamous West Family Summer Christmas. (see previous post) They all stayed with me because they have to shell out the $$ for plane tickets, and I wanted to save them a little on the lodging. Then my mom came on Friday. She always stays with me cause she's the mom! They all stayed until Monday morning. Monday afternoon the washing machine went into action!

We were expecting Rich and Christi late Monday night. They were going to leave Aidan and Annaliese with Nana & Grandpa while they celebrated their anniversary in Fredericksburg, then Rich was going to drive back to Plano, and Christi & kids were going to stay in SA and fly back on Sunday. But their plans changed...Rich's grandmother was in her last days of battle with cancer in Iowa and he needed to go see her. (She passed away Saturday morning...please keep Rich's family in your prayers!) So Kerry went to get Christi and the kids on Tuesday and brought them back. They stayed with us until Friday afternoon...

By Friday afternoon, Kerry's mom was here. Christi had driven to Odessa to get her and bring her back so she could see them and Royce who would be coming in on Saturday.

Whew...are you tired yet? Remember, in the midst of all this was Vacation Bible School every morning last week! (see previous post) :P

So Royce came in Saturday night (while we were babysitting Connor), and he'll be here till Thursday. Although, technically, he isn't "here"...he usually ends up spending the night with friends.

This morning I took Kerry's mom home...she was ready. ;) So since Royce is not really "staying" here, I'm declaring our season of guests to be over. Except wait! The girls and I are having our second annual summer garage sale this weekend! That means Dana and Melynda (and Jordan and possibly husbands) will be here! Guess I'd better get those sheets & towels into the washer again!

I love my family, my kids, and my grandkids....but then I love my quiet house and normal (?) routine once they are gone.


Unknown said...

wow! and i thought 2 extras for 5 days was draining...btw, my husband will not be joining us for the garage sale.

Unknown said...

haha....aparently i'm signed in to levi's g-mail account...i am not levi, nor does levi have a husband ;)

Diane said... are too funny, dana! i'm really glad to hear that levi does not have a husband!